Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur – Queen of the Stone Age
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Prodigiously-talented trumpet-player and Chaos Collective constant Laura Jurd has just released Together, As One, the dynamically varicoloured debut of her band, Dinosaur.

This talent-laden behemoth includes the wildly imaginative keyboardist Elliot Galvin, inventive bassist Conor Chaplin and Afro-centric drum firebrand Corrie Dick. Nick Hasted talked to Jurd about her idyllic upbringing in the relative rural remoteness of a Hampshire village, the influence of Miles’ electric period on the quartet’s sometimes punkish grooves and how she’s ready to rage against post-Brexit bleakness
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #212 – to read the full article click here to Subscribe, save money and get a fantastic jazz CD FREE