Soweto Kinch and Laura Jurd unite for Joined-Up Jazz symposium
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Charitable champions of jazz for southern England, Joined-Up Jazz, mount a one-day symposium, Jazz in the UK 2016, on 23 June.

The organisation, which brings live jazz to the nethermost reaches of the country through a combination of jazz festivals and concerts, education programmes and by providing a point of reference for artists, promoters and funders of jazz, launch the initiative in partnership with the University of Southampton. Hosted in that city’s prestigious Turner Sims concert hall the event features keynote contributions from Soweto Kinch and Laura Jurd during its structured sessions, with ample opportunity for informal contact-making and conversation.
“We hope to kick off a conversation among the jazz community that helps it to reach a wider audience,” explains Tim Fell, one of the trustees for Joined-Up Jazz. “UK jazz musicians are regularly producing some of the most exciting and original new music in the world, and it is tragic that only a tiny minority of music-lovers ever gets to hear it.”
– Spencer Grady
For more details of the symposium please email