David Murray – Blues For Babylon
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Fiery saxophonist David Murray has previously drawn on the bewitching and poignant prose of authors such as Ishmael Reed and Amiri Baraka in his music, but on his latest album, Blues For Memo, he's collaborated with hip-priest rapper-cum-poet Saul Williams.
The project has taken on another dimension by way of Murray's connection to renowned Istanbul-based music venue Babylon, with the record dedicated to its late great impresario, Mehmet 'Memo' Uluğ. Daniel Spicer spoke with Murray about how all these disparate influences intersect on his impassioned, politically pertinent, new album
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #227 – to read the full article click here to Subscribe, save money and get a fantastic jazz CD FREE