Dylan Howe – Going Underground
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Drummer Dylan Howe has always walked a fine line between his love of hard-bop and rock, as both the son of guitarist Steve Howe and a long-standing member of The Blockheads and the Wilko Johnson band.
Yet he’s a bandleader too and this month his jazz group Subterraneans finally release their vivid reimagining of David Bowie’s Berlin-period with a Coltrane-esque twist, Subterranean – New Designs On Bowie’s Berlin, which conjures a gloriously melancholic yet wholly unexpected sound-world to life. Andy Robson spoke to the drummer about how he successfully found common ground between the stark atmospherics of Berlin-style avant electronica and hard-swinging New York jazz
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #188 – to read the full article Subscribe to Jazzwise, save money and receive