Gary Husband - The Filth And The Fury
Friday, January 28, 2011
A torchbearer for jazz-rock, currently making waves in John McLaughlin’s band, Gary Husband has something to prove as he lights the touchpaper and withdraws to watch the sparks fly on Dirty & Beautiful.
Interview by Andy Robson
It’s two years since Gary Husband launched Hotwired, what was meant to have been the debut release by his then new acoustic band, Drive. Stuffed with talent, from bright young thing Richard Turner to seasoned pro Julian Siegel, Drive looked set to ride the burgeoning new wave of BritJazz. But two years on, Drive has evaporated, like several of Husband’s projects including his gorgeous piano trio and the big band extravaganza Force Majeure. His bands seem destined to burn out, not to rust.
This is partly why Husband remains one of the most intriguing of British jazz talents. His piano playing, steeped in a classical training, is deeply romantic, yet as likely to evoke Satie or Messiaen as it is his hero Bill Evans. He forsook classical piano to escape the tyranny of what some call the ‘muscle’ building needed for a concert career. Instead and what has proved to be the case as his career has developed for Husband, music has always been about about spontaneity, passion, and accessibility.
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #149 – to read the full article click here to subscribe and receive a FREE CD...