Sons Of Kemet – Ancestral Revolutions
Friday, August 9, 2013
Shabaka Hutchings has become an increasingly powerful musical presence from his days as stellar new kid on the block to star sideman, and now with Sons Of Kemet, as fully blown bandleader.

A classically trained clarinet virtuoso and an earthy, fire-breathing tenorist, he leads SOK’s mindmelting diasporic mix of tuba-fuelled African, Caribbean and Afrobeat grooves with fire and grace. As the band release their debut album, Burn, Kevin Le Gendre discovers how their philosophical, historical and technological bedrock unifies ancient Egyptian history as much as it does Brit jazz and dub dance music
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #178 – to read the full article click on the image below to save money and receive a FREE CD and a complimentary annual subscription to our App and digital edition...