Sun Ra – Sounds of the Universe
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Should composer, bandleader, poet, pianist and visionary Sun Ra be looking back at earth from his chosen interplanetary home of Saturn at the close of this centenary year of his birth, he may not be surprised to see the seeds of his Afrofuturism flourishing anew.
This is no small part due to the enduring spirit and appeal of his half-century old mothership, The Arkestra, which continues to whip up a wild blast of free swinging cosmic big band jazz. Kevin Le Gendre unpicks the myths behind Ra’s mystical universe and talks to 90-year old Arkestra bandleader Marshall Allen in an exclusive interview, while Edwin Pouncey selects 10 Ra albums to expand your trip
This is an extract from Jazzwise Issue #192 – to read the full article Subscribe to Jazzwise, save money and receive a fantastic FREE ACT CD