Evan Parker Takes The Eco Train
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Saxophonist Evan Parker treks across Europe this February and April as part of Take the Green Train, a three-year project funded by the Creative Europe programme of the EU and managed by Europe Jazz Network in tandem with leading environmental charity Julie’s Bicycle.

Instituted to address environmental sustainability in the jazz community, the project’s pilot ‘green tour’ will be undertaken by Parker, taking due account of the effects of carbon consumption, waste production, recycling, green means of transportation, as well as sustainable food and water provision for artist and audience alike. Results from the tour will be subsequently documented and shared with the European Jazz Network and wider music community with a view to encouraging environmentally-friendly measures on a wider scale.
The first round of concerts will see Parker travel to DalVerme, Rome (17 Feb), Teatro S Andrea, Pisa (18 Feb), SET UP, Punta Della Dogana, Venice (19 Feb) and Pinacoteca Comunale, Palazzo Priori, Fermo (20 Feb). The April leg of the tour will focus on the north of Europe, including UK, Germany and neighbouring countries, with the final scheduling soon to be announced. Look out for an exclusive interview with Evan Parker in Jazzwise’s May issue.
– Spencer Grady
For more info visit www.europejazz.net and www.juliesbicycle.com