Sarah Gillespie’s paintings sale to help support the 606 Club
Mike Flynn
Friday, June 5, 2020
The renowned singer is selling paintings based on classic albums to raise funds for the 606 jazz club

As well as being a critically-acclaimed jazz-folk singer, Anglo-American vocalist Sarah Gillespie is also an experienced and talented painter, whose works were to be exhibited at esteemed Chelsea jazz venue the 606 Club from 14 May. Yet, in light of the club’s closure due to the Covid-19 lockdown, Gillespie has decided to donate 20 per cent from sales of the 12” x 12” canvases to the club, to help it through this difficult time.
The works were part of a collection entitled 'Tango Palace', which Gillespie describes as a “visual covers album”, with each work inspired and titled after a wide range of music and musicians including ‘Gin Soaked Boy’ by Tom Waits; ‘Kind Of Blue’ (parts I and II) by Miles Davis, her much-lauded bandmate, the ECM-signed pianist Kit Downes’ ‘Quiet Tiger’ and ‘Sugar In My Bowl’ by Nina Simone.
All paintings from Tango Palace: A Visual Covers Album are available to view and purchase at