Jazz breaking news: Peter Ind Presents A Rare Insight Into The World of Wilhelm Reich

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Beat Generation and the Energy of Life, a personal journey by bassist Peter Ind takes place at the Cockpit Theatre in Marylebone tonight with the support of actors Peter Marinker and Michael Howarth, jazz guitarist Dave Cliff, drummer Rod Youngs and guitarist Dave Preston together with Bill Troop, the son of Wilhelm Reich’s senior colleague.

Ind, 82, became part of pianist Lennie Tristano’s influential circle while living in New York in the 1950s and following spells in California the following decade went on to run the legendary Bass Clef club in London's Hoxton in the 1980s and early-1990s and who also was an inspiration as a teacher to musicians such as Ind’s fellow bassist Gary Crosby early in their careers. In 2005 Ind’s book Lennie Tristano And His Legacy was published by London publisher Equinox and in its pages Ind told the story of his time in New York studying with Tristano, making a strong case for the pianist to receive more critical respect for his innovations in the 1950s.

Ind has also maintained a long time interest for many years in the controversial Austrian American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Reich who died in 1957, hence the theme of tonight's fascinating concert. A former colleague of Sigmund Freud, Reich’s professional work was involved in trying to reconcile Marxism and psychoanalysis, examining neurosis in terms of physical, sexual, economic and social conditions. He influenced many writers and thinkers over the years including beat writer William S. Burroughs, artist and musician Yoko Ono and the progressive educator AS Neill.

– Stephen Graham

For more go to www.cockpittheatre.org.uk

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