Jazz breaking news: Stan Tracey, Ayanna Witter-Johnson and Michael Horovitz for Poetry Olympics
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Olympics, the Poetry Olympics that is, are centre-stage next month at the Southbank Centre with poet Michael Horovitz convening his stellar performing troupe of artists for the Poetry Olympics Enlightenment Marathon on 14 June at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London.
Damon Albarn, John Hegley, Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Brian Patten, Annie Whitehead, Stan Tracey, Michael Horovitz, and Eleanor Bron among others are performing on the night.
It’s a celebration of the multicultural, multimedia melting pot that is contemporary UK-based internationalist culture, as well as the close relationships between poetry, music and song, ahead of the London Olympics. Private Eye’s own poet-in-residence EJ Thribb is also putting in an appearance. So. Farewell then/Olympic blues. – Stephen Graham
Michael Horovitz (pictured, top) and Ayanna
For tickets go to www.southbankcentre.co.uk