Alessandra Novaga: Fassbinder Wunderkammer

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Alessandra Novaga (g, v)


Setola Di Maiale


Catalogue Number:



June 2016

Along with Werner Herzog and Wim Wenders, Rainer Werner Fassbinder spearheaded the wave of ‘New German Cinema’ which emerged during the late-1960s in reaction to the artistic stagnation of filmmaking in that country. His work focused on manifestations of power within contemporary societies: between lovers, family members, or a country and its citizens. He was also a deeply troubled man, addicted to drugs and alcohol, prone to cruel manipulations of those pulled into his creative orbit. John Zorn-associate Alessandra Novaga picks out these disparate elements of the provocative, but often compassionate, director's life and art with a multi-hued tribute suggestive of an edgy, awkward love, juxtaposing discordant collage with deep Loren Connors-style blues. Fassbinder always carried a torch for the outsider. This Italian guitarist's music does the same. Fassbinder Wunderkammer burns a candle in the caverns of jazz's periphery, perfect provender for disciples of Derek Bailey, Elliott Sharp and Noël Akchoté.

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