Evans G Plus Drumheads
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
These new single-ply Evans G Plus heads have been causing quite a stir – particularly in the popular music press.
So we thought we ought to call a couple in to see what all the fuss is about. A 10” clear and a 14” coated duly arrived (they come clear and coated in 6” - 20”) and we fitted them to a couple of Pearl master toms with Remo ambassador heads to the base. Evans state that the G Plus is made from a film exclusive to Evans and that it delivers the open warm tone of a traditional single ply, while the added thickness provides increased durability, a dense attack, plenty of projection, shed loads of sustain and a centered pitch that other single-ply heads lack. Bold claims!
The 10” clear head (probably due to its increased thickness) took a little longer than normal to tune into the thinner bottom head. It didn’t really deliver at a higher ‘jazz’ tuning, but did produce very little ring and we thought that a lower tuning might bring more out of the head. Tuned down, the 10” clear produced a very punchy tom sound with none of that annoying ring - which is clearly where this head works best (needs to be). In contrast to the clear head, the 14” coated was a breeze to tune and we quickly found that warm, deep punchy floor tom sound without any ringing or overtones – and this is going clean without any dampening tape or gels. From a jazz perspective, the coated 14” is definitely the pick of the pair and we’re looking to team this up with a 12” – but that’s another story. For more go to www.evansdrumheads.com