Live shows confirmed for guitarist Ian Brighton
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Following the release of his belated (just the 40 year wait!), but well-received, sophomore solo set, Now And Then, (check Jazzwise’s June issue for our take), veteran improvising guitarist Ian Brighton sets out over the next few months for a clutch of shows.

Catch him on the following dates: The Verdict, Brighton, as part of a fundraiser for the Brighton Alternative Jazz Festival (7 July); Cafe OTO, with the John Russell/Evan Parker duo and as part of String Thing, with Phil Wachsmann, Trevor Taylor and Marcios Mattos (14 August); The Hundred Years Gallery, Shoreditch, during Confront Recordings 20th anniversary festivities (24 September)and the Hadleigh Old Fire Station, Essex, with the same personnel as at the OTO concert (4 November).
– Spencer Grady
For more details visit