Naim UnitiSystem home audio
Thursday, August 4, 2011
British high fidelity audio company Naim has recently launched the UnitiSystem, which through wireless connection allows the listener to enjoy high quality multiple music sources including CD, digital audio streams, FM/DAB/Internet radio, MP3/ipod, and USB memory sticks in any room in the house.

With the UnitiServe at its heart serving the wireless capable UnitiPlayers (NaimUniti and UnitiQute), the UnitiSystem is in Naim’s own words “perfect for the home owner who desires the highest quality in multi-room audio, but doesn’t want to refit their home with the endless network cabling required to accomodate a custominstalled solution”.
Streaming is central to the UnitiSystem, with the Uniti audio players being able to stream from any UPnP enabled device on the network, such as a PC, laptop or network attached storage drive. In addition, an onboard DAC means that they will seamlessly interface with local, external digital audio sources including DVD players, TV’s, Sky boxes and games consoles, to enhance ‘the total home entertainment experience’. As Naim says: “Every element of the UnitiSystem offers simple, easy to use interfaces”.
We particularly liked the sound of the UnitiQute, a compact and discrete little number that can either be controlled by a remote handset or its touch sensitive front panel logo. Indeed, you can even control the UnitiQute from a dedicated iPhone or iPod. And if you already have a home network and wireless router setup, it’s just a matter of plugging in the UnitiSystem and adding the devices to the network – where they will automatically find one another – and you’re ready to play. For more go to