Remo Skyndeep Tucked Conga heads
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Remo’s launch of tucked synthetic conga heads in 2001 with the Nuskyn range revolutionised conga heads in much the same way as they had done with the introduction of plastic drum heads in the mid-1950s.
At once conga players were relieved of the rawhide head’s pitch and tuning problems associated with temperature, humidity and moisture, as well as uneven skin thickness.
In 2004 Remo introduced the slightly brighter tones of the Fibreskyn tucked head and has now developed the Skyndeep tucked head.This latest introduction features a graphic infusion of pigment into the polyester surface giving a range of finishes including calf skin, Puerto Rican flags, black calf skin and tiger stripes. The heads are tucked around a steel insert hoop, just like traditional rawhide heads, and are highly durable and able to handle extreme tensioning. The Skyndeep calf skin graphic head reviewed here looks exactly like natural calf and combines the warmth of the Nuskyn with the brightness and projection of the Fibreskyn. The heads tension and tune with absolute ease right out of the box: open tones sound clear and resonant, the tumba bass head has a deep low end with no unwanted overtone while the slaps are capable of a defined pop that cracks like a pistol. For live work these are a must, even for the most ardent of natural skin-on-skin traditionalists, and are kinder on the hands than rawhide heads. Once used you’ll never go back.
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