Review: D’Addario Reserve Evolution Clarinet Mouthpiece
Monday, June 3, 2019
Back in our May 2017 issue we reviewed the D’Addario Select Jazz mouthpiece for the tenor sax, which impressed us tremendously.

It has since become the benchmark ebonite mouthpiece for the Jazzwise house tenor. Needless to say, when we were offered the opportunity to test the latest D’Addario mouthpiece for the Bb clarinet, we jumped at the chance!
We already had an earlier D’Addario X10 and a Selmer C8S and were keen to see how these would match up to the new Reserve Evolution. Using a Vandoren Ligature and a V12 2½ Vandoren reed on our house Buffet Prestige, the difference in resonance was immediate.
The Reserve Evolution is not only wonderfully free-blowing, but moves between the notes beautifully, with a warm and rich tone. There is a width and depth to the sound that the Selmer and X10 mouthpieces just don’t have. And the Reserve Evolution has plenty of body across the full range.
Dynamics are handled with ease and the mouthpiece didn’t alter the intonation of the instrument. It was also sonically clear and clean across the lower break. We can’t recommend the Reserve Evolution highly enough, and takes its place alongside its tenor stablemate in the Jazzwise locker. David Gallant
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