Review - Vandoren synthetic Clarinet reed

David Gallant
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Overall the plastic reeds are undoubtedly more consistent and more hygienic than their cane counterparts

It was only a matter of time before this French manufacturer would come up with a product that would give players the choice of an alternative synthetic reed to that of the market leader Légère.

We decided to compare the two products to point out the differences and similarities between the two. The Vandoren reed comes packaged in a simple box, while the Légère has a plastic container for holding the reed when not in use.

The latter is nice, but ultimately not necessary, and probably adds to the cost and environmental foot print. Both are identical in length and width however, the Vandoren product is much thicker than the Légère. The lay finish is also quite different, with the Vandoren being very smooth and shiny with no machining marks, while the Legere is rougher with obvious machining marks. Equally, the top is honed very differently. The Vandoren is smooth, flat and linear, while the Legere has distinct machine ridges. Interestingly Vandoren uses a different hardness rating, we’re not quite sure why. But there are comparison charts available. Unlike a lot of cane reeds, both are thankfully very clearly marked.

On the mouthpiece we found them almost indistinguishable to play. We suspect that the manufacturing differences and plastic content may show a variance between the two in hot weather or when playing intensely for a long period. We found that both the Vandoren and the Légère plastic reeds seemed to soften after playing for long periods.

Overall the plastic reeds are undoubtedly more consistent and more hygienic than their cane counterparts, but many players may well argue that the plastic reed doesn’t offer the flexibility of the cane model. Clearly it is all down to personal preference, and after a couple of months of gigging with the plastic reed, we won’t be carrying the canes any time soon! 

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This article originally appeared in the September 2024 issue of Jazzwise. Whether you want to enjoy Jazzwise online, explore our Reviews Database or our huge archive of issues, or simply receive the magazine through your door every month, we've got the perfect subscription for you. Find out more at

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