Erik Truffaz: 5 Albums Originaux

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Marc Erbetta (d, perc)
Marcello Giuliani (b)
Patrick Muller (p, Fender Rhodes)
Phillipe Garcia (d)
NYA (v)
Mounir Troudi (v)
Erik Truffaz (t)
Michel Benita (db)
Anouar Brahem (oud)
Manu Codjia (g)


Warner Music


Catalogue Number:



December 1997/April 1999/March 2001

Let's hope the svelte Swiss-French trumpeter had an off day on his last visit to Ronnie Scott's in the summer, as he and his band seemed to mysteriously have entirely lost the plot. This bargain 5-disc French Warner jazz box compilation gives evidence, if needed, that he was once right on it. Truffaz was the hippest post-Miles trumpeter in Europe at the turn of the millennium offering up a new (or nu-) cool in jazz that didn't lack imagination in its absorption of urban and hip hop sounds from the club scene. In slip cases with their original sleeve artwork, this 5-CD budget price collection is otherwise without booklet, covering Truffaz's Blue Note releases up to 2003 beginning with 1998's breakthrough release The Dawn his second for the label. It features NYA's beatnik rap and a minimalist contribution from Truffaz whose trumpet is Miles-like in its wounded intensity lounging on top of an ambient backdrop of broken beats. Bending New Corners features the same line up and has Truffaz honing his sound into something more fiery and distinctive, drawing on funkier drum ‘n’ bass beats and a Miles-ish wah-wah sound. 2001's Mantis opens up the palette more with Henri Texier's then guitarist Manu Codjia adding an inventive improvisational flair and multi-cultural vibe to the recording – special guest Anouar Brahem is on oud – while keeping the hip grooves firmly intact. The final recording here, 2003's Walk of the Giant Turtles dumps breakbeats for heavier funky jazz-rock, with Miles still the most obvious inspiration. With hindsight it might just be the most durable recording of the whole bunch.

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