Foxes Fox: Live at the Vortex

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Steve Beresford (p, elec, objects)
Louis Moholo-Moholo (d)
John Edwards (b)
Evan Parker (ts)
Kenny Wheeler (t)




Catalogue Number:



20 February 2007

How many records merely hint at the kind of empathy and interplay heard here but leave the listener wondering like Peggy Lee, ‘Is That All There Is?’ This is the real deal. Has Moholo-Moholo had a better rhythm partner since the days of the great Harry Miller than John Edwards? Edwards matches the South African beat for beat and blow for blow in some of the most thunderously complete free jazz I've heard in years. Sometimes music of this ilk strays into hyperbole but here there's subtlety and craft aplenty. Parker is a towering presence – as ever – but the way he and Wheeler work off each other astonishes. Theirs is a front-line pairing to dream of. As for pianist Steve Beresford, just how does one describe playing as emotionally intelligent as this? At times, he holds the music in place against the typhoons unleashed by Parker and Wheeler and the raging sea that is of Edwards and Moholo-Moholo. At others, he is still wilder and more playful than even they. Let's give the metaphors and adjectives a rest. Simply, buy this record.

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