Gratowski/Kruglov/Nabatov/Yudanov: Leo Records 35th Anniversary Moscow

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Simon Nabatov (p)
Alexey Kruglov (as, ss, as mouthpiece)
Oleg Yudanov (d, perc)
Frank Gratkowski (reeds)




Catalogue Number:




The 35th anniversary of a seminal label is marked by this summit meeting of four of the strongest voices on the Russian scene. Certainly in Gratkowski, Nabatov and Yudanov, there are three improvisers of considerable talent and the younger Kruglov, who has emerged as a prolific recording artist in the past few years, is also a restless creative spirit. With the two very raucous horns and the equally thunderous piano on stage the quartet generates an impressive amount of power, and the full-on assault of ‘House Games’ will certainly awaken the deepest of sleepers. Yet the careful, focussed use of overtones, splintered phrases and fragmented drum lines brings light and shade to a performance that fits impressively into the lineage of small group improvisation that acknowledges the spirit of Brötzmann as much as it does that of Braxton. Demanding. Disturbing. Rewarding.

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