Henri Texier: Concert Anniversaire 30 Ans à la Maison de la Culture D'Amiens

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Thomas de Pourquery (as)
Edward Perraud (d)
Michel Portal (c cl)
Bojan Zulfi karpasic (p, Fender Rhodes)
Manu Codjia (g)
Henri Texier (b)


Label Bleu


Catalogue Number:



March 2016

This all-star band met up for a 30th anniversary concert celebration for a label who's international profile at least has faded in significance since its heyday in the early noughties. Some of the key artists who played a role in Label Bleu's astute coverage of the happening French jazz scene during this period are in the line-up. The talisman is the great double-bass veteran Henri Texier who has recorded over 20 times for the label. Texier's ‘O Elvin’ starts with a typical deeply resounding folk-rooted bass groove from the man himself. One of his most impressive sidemen has been the ambient rock-fuelled guitarist Manu Codjia, someone who should be much better known. Through some of Texier's strongest pieces, cool school woodwind counterpoint, a light-hearted Jacques Tati-like clarinet, winding bebop-ish themes and North African melodic inflexions shine a light on Texier's seductively exotic writing skills. But also spotlight a band of unpretentious stars playing for the team and the team only.

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