IF: If5

Rating: ★★

Record and Artist Details


Rod Brown (d)
Guy Gardner (ky)
Ben Taylor (b)
Terry Smith (g)
Dave Browne (v)
Dave Quincy (s)




Catalogue Number:

REPUK 1289


date not stated

All credit to Quincy and Smith for keeping the flame alive, their revival last year of If (or is it IF?) spawning this first release for nearly 40 years under that enigmatic title. Of course the original band went through many manifestations, and with Dick Morrissey and J.W. Hodkinson now at the great gig in the sky, Smith and Quincy, with the passing of the years, were bound to create something different. ‘Gonna Give It Up’ is an R&B groover that the GBO might have enjoyed, with Smith and Quincy trading licks over Gardner’s organ. Truth be told Dave Browne’s pipes ain’t as robust as they once were, but the instrumentals, like their nod to the soul pop of Morrissey-Mullen (‘You’ll Know What I Mean’) and the closing cover of Coltrane’s ‘Resolution’ shows how wide Quincy and Smith have thrown their musical net over the years.

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