JD Allen Trio: Victory!

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Rudy Royston (d)
JD Allen (ts)
Gregg August (b)


Sunnyside SSC


Catalogue Number:



August 2010

This reviewer has been singing the praises of JD Allen since his debut as a leader on Italy's Red Records’ In Search Of…, recorded almost exactly 12 years ago to the day. This is his third as leader of a piano-less trio for Sunnyside and is arguably the strongest yet. Backed by his trusted team of big-toned bassist Gregg August and the much-in-demand exuberant drummer Rudy Royston, Victory! comprises another ten new sparse compositions which never overstay their welcome. Brevity and making every note count are important elements of Allen's conception, which occasionally recalls that of relatively early Coltrane. The opening title track is in many ways a flashback to Trane's Prestige dates for Bob Weinstock in that it is basically a themeless timeless slow blues, introduced by Rudy's snare rolls, which ends fading off into the distance. Allen has a magnificent tenor tone, another of his major assets. Muscular and full of jazz tradition. His solos are always melodic as well as being harmonically and rhythmically astute. The only standard tune, ‘Stairway To The Stars’ is performed in such a way that you'd be forgiven for thinking it was another of JD's originals, of which ‘The Pilot's Compass’, ‘The Thirsty Ear’, ‘Sura Hurda’ and ‘Philippe Petit’ are among the most emphatic. Sonny Rollins certainly started something with his piano-less trio formula. JD Allen is carrying on the tradition with distinction. He's a pleasure to listen to.

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