Joe O'Connor/Theo Carbo/Tim Green: Eclogue

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Tim Green (perc)
Theo Carbo (g, Leslie speaker)
Joe O'Connor (prepared and inside p)




Media Format:



Rec. July 2019

Perhaps it has something to do with the huge, empty skies and landscapes of the Australian outback, but the music recorded by this trio in Melbourne contains more than a hint of the tectonically slow-moving investigations of fellow Antipodean threesome, The Necks. Part one devotes the first half of its 13 minutes to gently wafting harmonics, low hum and controlled feedback before the low thud of a detuned tom signals change: a recurring low piano note serves as depth marker, and prepared strings broadcast scattered sonar pings, while the guitar wrangles determinedly with a grinding, metallic machinery in the background.

The second, slightly longer track begins with brittle scrapes and taut shrieks from the guitar, drizzling cymbal and loosely tumbling drums. Again, a tense, unceasing hum suggests the presence of some otherworldly technology brooding out of sight – but a note of humanity is sounded by the gong-like chimes of prepared strings suggesting hints of abstract gamelan. If you like sounds that hover menacingly and stubbornly refuse to indulge in conventional linear exposition, give this a try.

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