Johan Lindvall Trio: This Is Not About You

Rating: ★★

Record and Artist Details


Adrian Myhr (b)
Andreas Skår Wither (d)
Johan Lindvall (p)


Jazzland 3779394


Media Format:



Rec. date not stated

Bugge Wesseltoft, the Jazzland boss, has always had his ear to the ground for emerging talent. If he takes a liking to an artist he will run with it, unconcerned with minor issues such as “Will it sell?” His taste can often be quirky for some, forward looking for others, but he’s unafraid to back his judgement. Lindvall surely favours the quirky side of Wesseltoft’s taste – it’s certainly different, rather like standing outside a music college practise room as students try out ideas, only this is for real – ‘Last Time’, mercifully clocking in at 2'29", is a case in point. A motif is repeated over and over, then slightly embellished, an answering phrase added, and peters out. ‘Listen’ is a bit of aimless noodling for 1'09", while the title track coalesces into something resembling a composition, a plodding dirge on a pedal point, while ‘Not Now’ continues in similar doleful mode without saying much. It reveals Lindvall a pianist who one must admire for his chutzpah in having nothing to say and taking a whole CD to tell us.

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