Landgren/Wollny/Danielsson/Haffner: 4 Wheel Drive II

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Michael Wollny
Wolfgang Haffner (d)
Lars Danielsson (b, cl, g)
Nils Landgren (tb, v)




Media Format:


Catalogue Number:



Rec. April 2023

So-called jazz ‘supergroups’ usually come with a ‘wow’ factor by way of the pedigree of the personnel involved. Collectively though, you could well be heading for major disappointment. This is certainly a jazz supergroup on paper: all four of these Swedish-German instrumentalists being leading members of the Munich-based major jazz indie ACT label family.

They’re a striking mix of leaders and instrumentalists in their own right. Compared to the band’s 2019 debut 4 Wheel Drive, this second volume contains a larger ratio of original material to pop-song covers. The non-originals are the usual suspects by 1970s/80s singer-songwriters from the sophisticated mainstream; songs by Sting, Paul Simon, and Elton John.

That’s not a bad thing but, the interpretations here are quite unremarkable, with the exception of a take on Sting’s ‘Fields of Gold’, that the writer would probably approve of; the tune is given a seductively atmospheric African-inflected jazz-folky flavour, largely thanks to Danielsson’s characteristically resonant bass sonic. He and trombonist/vocalist Nils Landgren also contribute a song that’s pleasant enough, but pretty innocuous.

It’s pianist Michael Wollny’s approach, however, to find a fresh angle in all things familiar – and his support of Landgren’s vocal on Elton John’s ‘Your Song’ and on drummer Wolfgang Haffner’s romantic film theme-like ‘April Rain’ engage us for that reason. And Wollny’s opening original the driving ‘Chapter II’ and upbeat ‘Spring Dance’ are a little reminder of his former high-profile piano trio Em. Landgren’s vocal has always been an acquired taste, alongside his funk-jazz ’bone.

Being reminiscent of John Martyn is never a bad thing and it has a naïve, no-frills charm about it.

This is a four-wheel drive certainly as names and performances go, but one that’s perhaps in need of a few more gear changes next time out.

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