Maciej Obara Quartet: Unloved

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Ole Morten Vågan (b)
Maciej Obara (as)
Gard Nilssen (d)
Dominik Wania (p)




Catalogue Number:



January 2017

This is Polish saxophonist and composer Maciej Obara’s ECM debut – though his ninth album as leader in total – and his delicate, crepuscular palette fits right in with the label’s aesthetic. Obara’s lyrical blowing is beautifully supported by the rest of the quartet, not least pianist and fellow Pole Dominik Wania; the pair first met while working with Tomasz Stafiko on his ‘New Balladyna Quartet’ project. The other two members of the group are Norwegian: bassist Ole Morten Vågan and drummer Gard Nilssen. Together they make delicate assemblages of sounds, as on the ballad ‘Joli Bord’ or, when the mood takes them, raise the tempo and thoughtfully prod at the speed limits, as on ‘Sleepwalker’, which features spectacular interplay between Obara’s sax and Wania’s keyboard work. All the tunes were cooked up by Obara except for the title cut, which was written by Polish film composer and jazz pianist Krzysztof Komeda.

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