Marcotulli & Biondini Duo Art: La Strada Invisibile

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Luciano Biondini (acc)
Rita Marcotulli (p)




Catalogue Number:



5-6 February 2014

‘Sometimes less is more when it comes to creating magical moments’: so says Siggi Loch's ACT label of its ‘Duo Art’ series. It even quotes Marvin Gaye on the subject: ‘To make a dream come true, just take two.’ I don't know whether old Marv had jazz-infused duetting in mind when he sang that, but be that as it may: Wollny & Neset, Nah & Wakenius, Simcock & Goloubev – there are some great pairings in this minimalistically minded initiative. And though there are bigger names, at least in the UK, probably none of the announced duos will deliver a more charming set than pianist Rita Marcotulli and accordionist Luciano Biondini manage on La Strada Invisibile. Italian song is a strong influence on this melodically inclined collection, which gathers together nine originals and three covers, including Jimmy Webb's ‘The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress’. Opener ‘Aritmia’ pulses and pants, ‘Vagabondi delle Stelle’ twinkles sweetly while the knockout ‘Tuareg’ is a wonderful exploration of the emotional shadows before the pair hit bravura mode for ‘Choroso’.

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