Mário Laginha Trio: Jangada

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Alexandre Frazão (d)
Bernardo Moreira (b)
Mário Laginha (p)




Media Format:


Catalogue Number:



Rec. 20-22 July 2020

At age 61, Laginha has built a secure reputation in his native Portugal, both as vocalist Maria João’s accompanist of choice and in his own right as a jazz pianist with some 21 albums to his name on Portuguese and European jazz labels. This is his debut on Edition records, and something of a coup for the label as they have an artist of depth and accomplishment yet still relatively unknown with the potential to go far. Each one of his eleven originals on Jangada offer well-crafted melodies, mostly using ad hoc forms where the written and improvised blend seamlessly into an organic whole.

Laginha knows a thing or two about melody, its development and creating a narrative arc, much like a musical journey, so his music always seems to be in the process of becoming. He has certainly taken account of Keith Jarrett of the Facing You and Belonging period, but such influences are absorbed into an overall conception that has both depth and accessibility. It should make him a lot of friends.

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