Mark Perry/Duncan Eagles: Road Ahead

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Mark Perry (t)
Sam Leak (p)
Chris Nickolls (d)
Gareth Lockrane (f)
Ola Onabule (v)
Duncan Eagles (ts)
Max Luthert (b)


F-IRE Presents


Catalogue Number:




The saxophonist and co-leader of this quintet, Duncan Eagles, is known on the scene for his membership of the dynamic young trio collective Partikel. Eagles and trumpeter Mark Perry are graduates of Gary Crosby's Tomorrow's Warriors and Trinity College and appeared in this band in 2012 at the London Jazz Festival. Both contribute their own tunes to their quintet's new debut album release. It's a warm, breezy session shifting between post-bop latin and free-bop through to a more New York-type avant-groove based vibe and the hornled themes inhabit a traditional head-solos-head format. Eagles' tenor sax solos are patient and he develops motifs with ebb-and-flow dynamics. There's a cameo role for the elegant pianist Sam Leak with guest appearances from Gareth Lockrane on flute and Ona Onabule on wordless vocals, who add additional colour.

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