Martin Speake and Douglas Finch: Sound Clouds

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Martin Speake (as)
Douglas Finch (p)


Pumpkin Records


Catalogue Number:



10 July 2013

One's a jazzer born and bred, the other's a classical musician through and through, but that doesn't stop altoist Martin Speake and pianist Douglas Finch from making restlessly delightful improvised music together on this off-the-cuff set. Both teach at Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London but hadn't realised they had much musical chemistry until they found themselves performing a few short free improvs for a classical music workshop. That discovery made, they booked themselves a recording session and turned up without doing much in the way of preparation. The results are spontaneously, spikily joyous, whirling between ideas, occasionally pausing to underline a mood or melody: the lovely ballad ‘Chorale’, now tumbling earthwards, now jaggedly ascending; dedications to Xenakis and Shostakovich suggest some of the classical sources being drawn on. The tracks are featured in the order in which they were recorded on that single morning last July, and you may be able to hear the tuning of Finch's piano gently eroding towards the end of the set as he hammers away at the keys. It only adds to the pleasurable unpredictability of it all.

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