Max Nagl feat. Lol Coxhill

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Lol Coxhill (ss)
Max Nagl (ss, as)


Rude Noises



2 January 2012

A bit of a mixed bag this: freeish saxophone playing punctuated with the odd musique concrète collage (‘Messer’) or burst of rock (‘Valdemossa’) or harpsichord interlude (the aptly titled ‘Harpsichord Interlude’). But could a record dedicated to the memory of saxophonist Lol Coxhill, who died last year aged 79, after a career working with everyone from Kevin Ayers and The Damned to the leading lights of improv, be anything else? Here, Austrian saxophonist and composer Max Nagl pays tribute, and several tracks feature Coxhill on soprano sax. His spirit is present even when his sax isn't: “This piece will have to be very short,” runs the intro – in fact, almost the entirety – of the final track. “And so that you're not disappointed when we stop, we'll try to make it extremely boring.” For a moment, it's almost as though Lol was still with us.

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