Michael Mantler: Comment C'est

Rating: ★

Record and Artist Details


Max Brand Ensemble (p)
Sun Yi (vib, mar)
Christoph Cech (cond)
Tibor Kövesdi (b)
David Helbock (p)
Michael Mantler (t, comp)
Himiko Paganotti (v)


Catalogue Number:

ECM 571 1447


April 2016

In principle, this reviewer has nothing against the idea of jazz-identified performers and writers preferring to move into the realm of fully-composed works without a rhythmic pulse. There obviously needs to be something compelling about the sounds or the verbal message behind them, and the premise of Mantler's suite is apparently inspired by his distaste for the current political climate. The fact that his original lyrics, and his track names, are in French doesn't disguise the themes of 10 items called ‘Intolérance’, ‘Commerce’, ‘Guerre’, ‘Folie’, ‘Pourquoi’ etc. Sadly, the straight vocals and Mantler's occasional trumpet excursions scarcely match the implications of the titles and do nothing to involve the open-minded listener. The possibly unintentional wordplay of the album title – Comment C'est (“How it is”) sounds the same as “Commencez” (i.e. “Get started!”) – made me wish for a speedy end to the proceedings and, despite all the good intentions, the music itself left me totally unmoved.

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