Mike Westbrook Orchestra: Catania

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Pete Saberton (p)
Noel Langley (t, flhn, ky, v)
Anthony Kerr (vib)
Dave Plews (t)
Adrian Lane (tb)
Dominique Pifarely (vn)
Pete Whyman (s)
Chris Caldwell (s)
James McMillan (t)
Paul Nieman (tb)
Tracy Holloway (tb)
Graham Russell (t)
Peter Fairclough (d)
Phil Minton (v)
Alan Barnes (as, bar s)
Frank Schaefer (clo)
Kate Westbrook (v)
Andy Grappy (tba)
Steve Berry (b)
Alan Wakeman (ss, ts)
Mike Westbrook (elec p, cond)
Danilo Terenzi (tb)
Chris Biscoe (as, ss)
Karen Street (accordion)


Westbrook Records


Catalogue Number:



24-26 July 1992

A record of a remarkable free festival, not previously released but recently reprised in that the Westbrooks returned only last November to Catania, playing much of the music recorded here. Of course, there were differences in performances 26 years apart, not least reflecting the cruel loss over the years of Peter Saberton, Dave Plews and Danilo Terenzi. Saberton’s piano weaves throughout the 150 minutes-plus of music captured here. The setlist reflects much of the Westbrook’s repertoire: their extraordinary expressions of Blake are revealed in Phil Minton’s earth-rending ‘Long John Brown’ and the visionary ‘I See Thy Form’. In contrast, Kate Westbrook brings her theatricality to ‘Alabamasong’, more than able to go mano a mano, well, tonsil to tonsil, with the histrionic genius of Minton. The sound is superb, the coughing and car horns adding to the open-air ambience of Sicilian street music. The restoration and editing was about Jon Hiseman’s last job before his sad passing, and the recording is understandably dedicated to him. Yet the show must go on, as Catania 2018 celebrated. For all topers, past, present and yet to come: warm to these songs of love, faith and freedom.

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