Steve Kuhn Trio: Wisteria

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Joey Baron (d)
Kuhn (p)
Steve Swallow (el b)




Catalogue Number:

279 4578


Sep 2011

A surprisingly straightahead record for ECM, evoking not the clichéd idea of what constitues an ECM trio album but the legacy of Bill Evans, and featuring one of his earliest followers. Largely unsung and now aged 74 – i.e. older than Herbie, Chick or Keith – Kuhn has a long history going back to Coltrane, Getz and one of my favourite Art Farmer tracks (the Carla Bley tune ‘Sing Me Softly Of The Blues’). He's absolutely at ease with his instrument, and with not showing off his technique but simply playing beautiful music and creating considerable freshness. In this, he's hugely assisted by the subtle work of Baron and Swallow, whose electric bass is mobile both in a supportive role and in solo, a couple of his solo entrances sounding like pure Jim Hall. The repertoire is mostly originals by Kuhn or Swallow, and mostly at an easy tempo, with variety provided by one each from Carla Bley (‘Permanent Wave’) and Art Farmer (‘Wisteria’) plus Dori Caymmi's ‘Romance’. Nothing sensational, not even terribly exciting, but a glorious warmth and a celebration of traditional values.

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