Sunna Gunnlaugs: Cielito Lindo

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Scott McLemore (d)
Sunna Gunnlaugs (p)
Porgrimur Jonsson (b)


Sunny Sky Records Sunny Sky


Catalogue Number:



June 2015

If your idea of Icelandic music goes no further than Björk then it's time to think again. The impressive pianist Sunna Gunnlaugs is a Keith Jarrett acolyte for sure, but her playing has a timeless quality and playful, romantic spark that is all her own. Gunnlaugs creates evocative atmospherics from the back of her piano too – hear her unique take of Gershwin's ‘Summertime’ that doesn't compromise in terms of the theme – and the recording's originals have an understated influence from Icelandic traditional song, though she doesn't trade the high spirits of jazz for the more melancholic, meditative inclinations of folk music. They are written mostly by her and Scott McLemore, an American but Icelandic-based drummer. With the addition of Gunnlaugs' compatriot Porgrimur Jonsson on bass, an intimate chemistry occurs between all three members. Along with Belgium's De Beren Gieren, Sunna Gunnlaugs' trio is another young European jazz piano trio currently standing out from the crowd.

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