The Gascoyne O'Higgins Quartet: The Real Note Vol. 2

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Sebastiaan de Krom (d)
Sebastiaan De Krom (d)
Graham Harvey (p, ky)
Dave O'Higgins (ts)
Geoff Gascoyne (b)




Catalogue Number:

JITCD 1461


23 February 2014

Following the satisfying Vol. 1 comes the understandably titled Vol. 2 of this band's exploration of ‘contrafacts’: new compositions built on well known chord sequences. So ‘Green Dolphin Street’ is born again as ‘Shark Avenue’, ‘I Got Arrythmia’ grew out of ‘I Got Rhythm’ (yup, the cheesiest thing about this release are the terrible puns!) and ‘Broadway’ is based on, um, oh no, that is ‘Broadway’, done pretty straight. The puns of course aren't just verbal: Gascoyne and O'Higgins make play referring to the originals, making sure we're made aware of the great tradition this erudite crew are drawing from. But principally they've created their own set of originals, mostly pitched in a nu-bop frame, always swinging (impossible not to with that rhythm section), always inventive. It's also a pleasure hearing O'Higgins increasingly lyrical on soprano, notably on ‘Shark Avenue’. Something borrowed, something blue (notably the opening ‘Darkness’) and something special indeed.

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