Universal Eyes: Four Versions On ‘Artificial Society’

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Nate Young (noise)
Aaron Dilloway (noise)
John Olson (noise)
Gretchen Gonzales-Davidson (noise)


Trip Metal Limited Series/Lower Floor Music


Catalogue Number:




Universal Eyes is a project that fuses together members from legendary Detroit noise music pioneers Universal Indians and Wolf Eyes, an amalgam from hell that has resulted in this unholy (but strangely sublime) aural collision. On Four Versions… slabs of electronic improv and feral fractured jazz patterns are crudely bolted alongside each other, together with a cacophonic series of blowtorched metal blasts, mushrooming acid rock bursts and mangled drone appendages – all of which are an integral part of Universal Eyes’ uncompromisingly unique improvisational process. The four defiantly different pieces here usher the listener through a razorblade lined, strobe-lit sound portal that few would initially dare enter. Once inside, though, and the experience that hits is one of wonder, tinged with a slight sense of unease, as the quartet slowly uncoil their various instrumental and vocal talents. What eventually rises up is fleshed out with carefully composed layers of raw noise, interleaved with thinly applied passages of silence and flickers of muted jazz – a device that partly illuminates the gigantic shape of the disjointed musical creature to which they have collectively given life.

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