Actis Dato: Earth Is The Place

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Carlo Actis Dato (ts, bs, b cl)
Beppe Di Filippo (as, ss)
Daniele Bertone (d, perc)
Matteo Ravizza (b)




Catalogue Number:

CDLR 722



Although little known in Britain, Dato makes music of absolutely joyous abandon which would get the most leaden-footed of punters out of their seats. Mediterranean folkish melodies, hard swinging rhythms, vigorous horn arrangements and a fantastically raucous feel to the rhythm section do indeed make this work eminently danceable, yet the quality of the improvising, particularly from Dato on tenor sax, where his rugged tone and attack are applied to pithy, well constructed lines, is noteworthy. The bulk of the material has an irresistibly celebratory, almost carnivalesque feel enriched by some surging unison playing by the two big-sounding, often brash reeds. But the subtlety of drummer Daniele Bertone, especially his alternation of chattering rimshots and skipping snare patterns, is excellent. Perfect dance music, which should also be heard in the festival in your front room.

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