Alex Hutton Trio: Magna Carta Suite

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Neil Sparkes (v)
Asaf Sirkis (d)
Alex Hutton (p)
Yuri Goloubev (b)
Liz Palmer (baroque fl)
Liesbeth Allart (cor)




Catalogue Number:



Aug. 2014/spring 2015

I know Hutton best as a fine trio player and recall hearing him perform themes linked to his Legentis album. His project here is altogether more ambitious. Given the attention being paid to the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta by King John and taking account of the topography of the Runnymede area which he knows well, Hutton has been inspired to produce a 12-part suite that is both lyrical and cleverly episodic, his trio supplemented where appropriate by the instrumentalists shown above and given depth by Goloubev's arco bass. Hutton says each individual piece is prompted by political or social events over the years, as he uses different melodic and harmonic ideas to echo the pursuit of liberty and democracy. Thus the engaging ‘Gutenberg Press’ celebrates the invention of this world-changing invention, while ‘Gunpowder and Compass’ with its Bach-ian interpolations, is altogether more turbulent with Sirkis exploding percussively. Hutton's writing is always fluent and the performances accorded him are quite brilliant, his own the best among them. If it's the spirit of Keith Jarrett that best informs his work, then that's no matter for what he has produced here is both resourceful and rewarding. Mind you, this is music that it seems to me should be experienced live with proper programme notes, so that one might fully take in the experience, the transient nature of the CD format diminishing rather than enhancing its impact. Hutton says he has ‘borrowed’ extensively from other classical and folk music forms. If so, well done, for he has produced 39 minutes of stimulating and pleasurable music.

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