Arturo Sandoval: Dear Dizzy (Everyday I Think Of You)

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Dan Higgins (s)
Craig Gosnell (b tb)
Steve Holtman (tb)
Gary Burton (vib)
Brian Nova (g)
Manolo Gimenez (v)
Carlitos Del Puerto (b)
Arturo Sandoval (t)
Freddie Greene (shaker)
Andy Martin (tb)
Joey DeFrancesco (org, ky, t)
Johnny Friday (d)
Roland Kato (vla)
Gary Grant (t)
Zane Musa (as, ss)
Bruce Otto (tb)
Plas Johnson (reeds)
Ralph Morrison (vln, concertmaster)
Shelly Berg (p)
Joe Pesci (v)
Joey Defrancesco (ky)
Joey De Leon (perc)
Bob Sheppard (saxes)
Eddie Daniels (cl, ts)
Sara Parkins (vln)
Munyungo Jackson (perc)
Willie Murillo (t, flhn)
Bob McChesney (tb)
Brian Scanlon (ts, cl)
Greg Field, Field (d)
Chuck Berghofer (b)
Rusty Higgins (as, a-fl, c-fl)
Trevor Handy (clo)
Andy Garcia (congas)
Bob Mintzer (s)
Ed Calle (ts)
Wayne Bergeron (t, flhn)
Dustin Higgins (g)
Rob Lockart (ts, cl)
Wally Minko (p)
Greg Huckins (bs, b cl)
Don Fornero (t, flhn)


Concord Jazz


Catalogue Number:

CJA 33020



Having outlived most of his trumpet-playing contemporaries, Dizzy chose to spend his sunset years embracing young bloods like Jon Faddis and Cuban firebrand Arturo Sandoval. Loud explosive drum solos (think Buddy Rich) and trumpeters who strafe the stratosphere (think Maynard Ferguson) are guaranteed in-person crowd pleasers. Fact is Sandoval is much more impressive in the flesh than on vinyl. A born entertainer, as with his idol Dizzy, this extrovert Cuban knows how to work an audience to maximum effect. And frequently does.

Judging by the size of the hired help, Concord have punished their credit card to pay for this somewhat extravagant project. Much of the material may well be familiar, but here it is re-imagined: ‘Salt Peanuts’ is given a latin make over, but as with ‘Things To Come’ and ‘Tin Tin Deo’ much of the original urgency still remains. Elsewhere, ‘Birks Works’ make one think that, at one point, they're about to break into ‘The Pink Panther Theme’.

However, one gets the impression that the whole shebang has been conceived by committee as a lavish live concert production to be rolled out around the world's most prestigious concert halls and festivals and filmed for TV or whatever is the latest electronic gizmo! Naturally, an all-systems blast of ‘A Night In Tunisia’ proves to be the grand finale. Fireworks an optional extra.

Truthfully, there's far too much here to be absorbed in just a couple of listens. I believe continued revisits will reveal much. However, I could have done without the schmaltzy vocal tribute ‘Every Day I Think Of You’.

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