Billy Cobham: Mirror's Image

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Ira Coleman (b)
Billy Cobham (d)
Joe Chindamo (kys)


Cleopatra Records


Catalogue Number:


Refected Journey


Ira Coleman (b)
Billy Cobham (d)
Joe Chindamo (kys)


Cleopatra Records


Catalogue Number:

CLP 2229


15 February1992

A curiosity in that this is one live concert, edited to fit two CD releases, begging the question why couldn't the gig be fitted on to a single package which would have been kinder on the pockets of Cobham fans. The trio is a stripped down version of the band that graced In Design, but minus the guitars and, more pertinently, Ernie Watts' sonorous saxes. Consequently this is a more intimate sound than the original CD, with Chindamo manfully covering all harmonic and melodic needs. The stand out musician on both these albums is however, Coleman. His acoustic bass is warm toned, easy swinging and easily able to step up and solo as on the stirring ‘Prime Time’, or languidly supportive to Chindamo's keys on the sophisticated blues of ‘Key Jane’. Some of the songs pre-date In Design, but the epic compositions like ‘Shabazz’ or ‘Crescent Sun’ don't translate easily to this cut down format, while the bizarre editing (‘Shabazz’ drops out after stating the theme and re-emerges as ‘Improvisation’) leaves much to be desired.

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