Colin Webster/Mark Holub: Viscera

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Colin Webster (as)
Mark Holub (d)


New Atlantis


Catalogue Number:



October 2013

Three albums in, and the duo of Webster and Holub are really starting to get their sound together. Holub, of course, is better known as drumming lynchpin of Led Bib, while saxophonist Webster has devoted as much energy in recent years to playing with key improv figures such as Steve Noble and Alex Ward, as he has to shredding with noisy ruffians like Dutch skronkmeisters Dead Neanderthals. As a duo, they've honed an approach to spontaneous composition that's both thrillingly visceral and intelligently considered. Holub sprays out tight rolls, heavy triplets and even the occasional crashing John Bonham-ish riff, but avoids getting stuck into gratuitous thrash and burn, instead deploying caution and opening up spaces and opportunities to regroup and reconsider. Webster is particularly fruity on baritone, whether coughing up fat gobbets of splat and blurt or wetly exploring quiet snuffle and thrum with closely controlled technique. Hopefully it'll take a lot more than three albums for them to work through the infinite sonic combinations available to them.

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