Daniel Carter/Patrick Holmes/Matthew Putman: Whoadie

Rating: ★★

Record and Artist Details


Patrick Holmes (cl)
Daniel Carter (s, cl, t, f)
Matthew Putman (p)


577 Records


Media Format:


Catalogue Number:



10 December 2018 and 22 May 2019

Multi-instrumentalist Daniel Carter has been a player on the New York creative music scene since the early 1970s – and has played with heavyweights including William Parker and Matthew Shipp – yet he remains famously generous with his time and keen to collaborate in new and unusual configurations. This trio has its origins in the quintet Telepathic Band, of which all three are members, and features young up-and-coming clarinettist Patrick Holmes and pianist Matthew Putman – also a respected scientist and expert on nanotechnology. Three of the tracks included here are drawn from the trio’s very first, informal rehearsal on which Putman plays an out of tune piano, lending the improvisations a curiously wonky feel. Leaving this quirk aside, however, these are, for the most part, straight-faced extemporisations that largely avoid the jazz lexicon, preferring to skirt around the edges of contemporary classical chamber music. There’s a somewhat restless hyperactivity to much of it, with all three musicians flitting from idea to idea and never settling anywhere for too long – and Putman, in particular, is almost distractingly busy. As such, even the fleeting moments of unison that emerge fail to completely hold the ear’s attention.

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