David Chesky: Jazz in the New Harmonic

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Billy Drummond (d)
Peter Washington (b)
Jeremy Pelt (t)
Javon Jackson (ts)
David Chesky (p)


Chesky Records


Catalogue Number:

JD 358


November 2012

In the liner notes, there are references to projects as far apart as early Gunther Schiller Third Stream ventures and Miles’ Bitches Brew and In a Silent Way. Chesky says his aim is to take the harmonic language of 21st century classical music and make it groove. Almost every track is middle to down-tempo, with dark dissonant chords spaciously fed by Chesky to Pelt and Jackson. Based on Jeremy's most recent Water and Earth concept, he was a clever choice for this constantly low-key music, making the most of what Chesky's sending his way, often muted, occasionally with brief bright outbursts. Jackson isn't the obvious tenorist for this music, but his contributions have a consistently mournful, melancholy sound. Washington and Drummond supply subtle but very subdued grooves underneath the proceedings, with Peter obviously enjoying his solo spots. To Chesky himself, the chordings aren't dissonant at all, they just sound normal. Sorry to say so, but this writer found the whole album totally depressing!

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