Echo Engine: Windjammer

Rating: ★★

Record and Artist Details


Adrian Newton (elec, syn)
Theo Travis (ts, ss, f, ky)
Daniel Biro (kys)
Rob Palmer (g)


Blue Scene Focus


Catalogue Number:



date not stated

Of the core trio, Palmer is best known to jazz audiences for his work with Jon Lloyd and John Law. His articulate phrasing and feel for a blues and funk edge bring a needed contrast to the ambient grooves laid down by his colleagues. In turn, the added colourings of Travis' vortexing flute and sax lift the synth washes and keyboard clouds into something more substantial. The album's concept is that each track evokes a wind of the world, so Travis' wind contribution becomes central: hence his solo, multi-tracked cut ‘Aeolus’, as in God of the Winds. Unfortunately the elongated nature of some songs leads the listener to the conclusion that it's all a bit long-winded. However, there's enough here for those with dim memories of Pink Floyd's ‘Echoes’ to keep one intrigued while the gentle zephyrs swirl and sigh.

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