Frank Butler: The Stepper

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Jack Montrose
Dolo Coker (p)
Jack Montrose (ts)
Frank Butler (d)
Monty Budwig (b)




Catalogue Number:




Xanadu’s chronicle of mid 1970s West coast jazz continues apace and this is an interesting new installment. As has been the case with previous releases this is very much tried and tested post-bop, with the inclusion of a mandatory Bird workout (‘Au Private’, or rather ‘Au Privave’, according to the unfortunate typo) setting out the stall very effectively. Butler leads an able group with sufficient drive and dexterity, and the inclusion of Jack Montrose’s pleasingly gritty tenor is no bad thing. The players have their swing well in the pocket but Butler is the star of the show, taking a smartly-handled extended improvisation on the epic title track as well as producing a number of shorter pithy solos elsewhere. As an indication of the consistent influence of Charlie Parker, as well as the numerous directions in which his legacy was taken, it is worth remembering that the brilliant anarcho jazz punkers Defunkt also reprised ‘Au Private’ just a few years after this session, and the results could not have been more different.

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