Mike Osborne: Dawn

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Alan Jackson (d)
Mike Osborne (as, cl)
Louis Moholo-Moholo (d)
Harry Miller (b)
John Surman (bs, ss, bcl)


Cuneiform Rune


Catalogue Number:



1966, 1970

All credit to Cunieform, the jazz Time Team, for excavating these three sessions, featuring Osborne in a quartet with John Surman and leading a trio with the South African powerhouse of Miller and Moholo-Moholo behind him. Osborne's place in the Jazz Britannia pantheon won't ever be questioned, not least for his contribution to Mike Westbrook's seminal recordings or his collaboration with Skidmore and Surman in S.O.S‥ Surman's presence on the last four cuts lends a further significance to this treasure trove, and to hear him and Osborne romping through Pharoah Sanders' ‘Seven By Seven’ is a joy. Truth be told, the sound ain't great, but it's the energy and sheer force of will of the music rather than its sonic sophistication that bites most. The unabashed emotionality and sense of drama in the title track alone is worth the entrance money. True, at times the ideas dry, at times the youthful Osborne with his overvaulting ambition cries with a desperation, but it's often in those moments of breakdown that the voice, the jazz, is revealed. Special moments.

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