Nels Cline & Julian Lage: Room

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Julian Lage (g)
Nels Cline (g)


Mack Avenue


Catalogue Number:

MACK 1091


1-3 December 2013

Cline has helped bring improvisatory fire to Wilco, one of the finest US rock bands extant, while maintaining his jazz chops with The Nels Cline Singers and others. He says this session with Grammy-nominated, 26-year-old Lage (maybe most familiar here as Gary Burton's star protégé in his New Quartet) “kicked my ass, hard.” Anyone used to Cline's electric guitar conflagrations may at first find this hard to believe. But there is force as well as delicate interplay in these acoustic duets. The sense of space and silence in ‘The Scent of Light’ sometimes suggests the pair, given a speaker each, are signalling across stellar reaches. ‘Blues, Too’, a tribute to mutual friend and influence the late Jim Hall, has a brief smudge of Delta blues grit, before swapped climbs and wild swipes explore free terrain, finishing at a percussive gallop. Listening to these two intuitively interlocked leaders taking each tune out for a testing, darting run while never letting it escape them, bracing to play even for the veteran Cline, is a simple pleasure.

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